Benefits of Transpersonal & Trauma Healing Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy can be a potent tool in healing trauma. It allows access to the unconscious and deep-seated beliefs and behaviors, as well as any repressed emotions stored at the subconscious level. This safe release of stored energies can lead to profound transformation and healing.


The advantages of hypnotherapy include being able to access and utilize the power of the mind and body in a relaxed, focused state. This light-to-medium hypnotic or meditative state permits more straightforward access to subconscious connections of self-sabotaging behavior(s). It also allows for easier access to internal resources such as nervous system regulation, inner wisdom/intuition, and self-trust.


The benefits of hypnotherapy for healing trauma include reducing physical and emotional symptoms, developing healthy coping mechanisms, increasing relaxation and stress-management skills, managing emotions more healthily, and improving overall well-being. Hypnotherapy also helps to build self-confidence and self-esteem, as well as helping to uncover any underlying issues or blocks that are preventing healing.

One of the key benefits of hypnotherapy is that it helps people to heal from trauma. Hypnosis offers a safe and secure environment for clients to explore their feelings, as they are less guarded and can feel free to open up about what's happening within them. This allows practitioners to get down to the root causes of their client's distress and provide effective treatment. From here, they can utilize hypnotherapy techniques such as suggestion therapy and visualization exercises to help instill positive thought patterns in the patient and lead them toward healing.  With the help of hypnotherapy, those affected can learn strategies to cope with the emotional distress brought on by traumatic events and begin their journey toward recovery. Hypnotherapy has been proven successful in helping people dealing with psychological issues arising from traumatic experiences, showing lasting effects after only a few sessions. As such, it is an increasingly popular method for treating anxiety, depression and other trauma-related issues.


The healing power of hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool to help people work through difficult emotions and lead them to health and well-being. Suppose you're struggling with unresolved trauma or feel your current therapy isn't compelling enough. In that case, it may be worth considering hypnosis– it could help you move forward and start living again after dealing with past traumas.

One of the key benefits of hypnotherapy is its effectiveness in helping people to heal from trauma. Hypnosis provides a safe and comfortable setting for clients to explore their emotions without feeling judged or ashamed, enabling practitioners to get down to the root causes of their client's distress and provide targeted treatment. Through suggestion therapy and visualization exercises, hypnotherapists can help instill positive thought patterns in patients that promote healing and recovery. Studies have shown that hypnotherapy is an effective method for managing psychological issues related to traumatic experiences, often showing lasting effects after only a few sessions. This makes it an increasingly popular choice for treating anxiety, depression, and other trauma-related conditions.


Hypnotherapy has the potential to unlock powerful healing techniques within individuals that may have previously been inaccessible. It can offer the courage and strength needed to confront difficult emotions and take control of one's healing process. With the help of hypnotherapy, those affected can learn strategies to cope with the emotional distress brought on by traumatic events and begin their journey toward recovery. Suppose you're struggling with unresolved trauma or feel your current therapy isn't compelling enough. In that case, it may be worth considering hypnosis as an option – it could help you move forward in your life and start living again after dealing with past traumas. 


The healing power of hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool to help people work through difficult emotions and lead them on the path to health and well-being. With its proven effectiveness, it is an increasingly popular choice for those seeking relief from trauma-related conditions.  If you're looking for a way to heal from deep emotional scars, consider giving hypnotherapy a try – it could be just what you need to begin your journey toward recovery.

In conclusion, hypnotherapy can be a highly effective and beneficial tool in the process of healing trauma. It has the ability to access and utilize the power of the mind and body in order to restore balance, harmony, and well-being. Consequently, it can help individuals not only overcome their trauma but also build resiliency and health. Other benefits:

  • Clients are less guarded and hold back less during hypnotherapy, which helps them to get down to the root causes.

  • Gets to the root cause of destructive subconscious beliefs & behaviors that clients may not even be aware of.

  • Sometimes more progress in ONE 90-minute session than in months of traditional talk therapy.

  • Clients are entirely aware of their surroundings and do not lose consciousness.

  • Allows connections to subconscious thoughts, helping break underlying self-defeating beliefs & patterns much easier, which is more sustainable than trying to break habits at a conscious, thinking/analytical level.

  • Occurs in a safe, non-judgmental, and compassionate space for unresolved issues to be uncovered, processed, & resolved for good.

  • Surfaces repressed memories that are stored in the subconscious mind (which is 90% of our mind), allowing them to be processed safely & effectively.

  • Clients sometimes have strong emotional releases to help process old issues for permanent release.

  • Releases blocked/repressed energy & emotions (anger, guilt, shame, blame, sadness, fear, etc) for permanent release.

  • Changes beliefs on a subconscious level versus only on a conscious level, making them more permanent.

  • Inner child healing, which is very effective for changing old, destructive patterns. This re-aligns the inner-child part of themselves with the wise adult part of themselves.




Robert’s View on the Hypnotherapy/Shamanic Connection